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Monday 20 June 2011

Off to Rwanda very soon

So I’m off to Rwanda again!  It's four years since Mal and I headed off into the unknown with Jesus and had such a wonderful time with the YFC family there. So much has changed since 2007 and now I am on my own. But now I'm ready for adventure again. 
So many good things have happened in recent months and I’m really excited about the journey God has been taking me on. I guess I'm quite adventurous and that’s a gift from Him. And this is the next part of my life’s adventure. Off to Rwanda with Sue.

We leave Australia on 7th July and travel to Nairobi, Kenya where we’ll be spending 3 days with the Youth for Christ ‘family’ there. We’ll get a glimpse of Kenya and refresh a bit after the long journey before going on to Kigali. If our flight is on time we should arrive at about 5.40 pm Rwanda time, just in time to see the beautiful 'land of a thousand hills' before dark.


  1. Have a great time! Excited that you have your very own blog!

  2. I am excited about being able to follow your doings and particularly that it will give me up to date information to enable me to pray intelligently! God bless both you and Sue.

  3. Well done getting a blog up and going! I will follow your trip that way.
    Blessings on the preparations and farewells. love Merridie

  4. Graeme and Eleanor21 June 2011 at 08:47

    Our love and prayers Jane as you journey with Sue.
    Every blessing and keep safe knowing His guidance and care.

  5. Hi there Jane and Sue,
    We are very conscious of you both in flight.
    I rang Andrew tonight and he satted that he had had one message already.
    we can only imagine and pray for the wonderful welcome you will receive in Rwanda. meantime have a blessed few days in Nairobi.
    Life is very cool here..frosty indeed. However our support for you is hot!
    Love In Jesus,
    Nancy and Ian and your mates at st John's Heathcote
