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Friday 26 August 2011

AAA ladies

Before Sue and I left Australia I posted about Carol, our friend from Fashion on High in Heathcote, who sent us over here with a large overnight bag of new clothes for people over here.  Well, on Thursday last week we distributed them. They ladies who received them were SOOOO excited! Sue and I think it is very possible that these women may never have had any new clothes before now.  Life is pretty tough for many in Rwanda.Sure, it is a land of security and hope, but they have a very long way to go and many are still lagging a long way behind in education and financial security.  At the market, where the locals shop, most of the clothing for sale is second hand. It's what suits their budget.

The ladies all sat in a circle

while Sarah (RYFC), Sue and I allowed them to choose what would suit their family best. These women are all HIV positive and are part of a group that RYFC works with helping them to educate and care for their children, and become self sufficient with small business as a co-operative.

These are the same women that Sue and I have been teaching to knit and crochet.  Next week we plan to teach them to make cards, as we planned before we left Australia.

The women were thrilled with their news clothes. And we were thrilled to see their excitement!

There was a particular blouse that 7 women wanted and so we decided that to make it fun we would draw lots (this is something that we knew they were familiar with in this culture, because lots were drawn for the goats when we went to visit and work with the genocide survivors at Remera Rukoma two weeks earlier.)  Gloriose won the lottery and here she is showing off her new blouse. I think the lady beside her wasn't very happy! What do you think?

We took a picture of all the women with their news clothes and then they burst into a song of thanks

And then came to hug us. Very humbling!
Thank you, Carol for your generosity. 

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