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Saturday, 13 October 2012

Living with a cat

I've never lived with a cat. I grew up in a family that had an 'attitude' towards cats. We were a dog family, right brothers?

But at our house in Thailand there is a pretty nice cat! (Never thought I'd hear myself say that!)

His name is Pee Paw. He got his name from the owners of the house when they were living here. As a kitten he made puddles on the floor and walked through the puddles leaving paw marks behind him. Hence the name - Pee Paw!!


 Pee Paw really likes to smooch.

 He loves us to spend quality time with him.

And because he wants to be part of 'the family' he sleeps on top of the truck hoping that he can come along with us next time we're heading off.


I'm not sure that I'll become a cat-lover in my senior years, but I do quite like Pee Paw.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jane, I loved this post! Although we are not fanatical "cat lovers", it disturbs me when I hear God's people saying nasty things about any animal he has made, cats often seem to be the subject of cruel speech intended to be funny. Our cat has a great life in the shed and the garden. She has a special bib to prevent her from catching birds, and we can take it off when we put her somewhere to catch mice, like the animal-feed shed. When are you coming back to cuddle little Abigail Shalom!? love, Emma.
