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Friday 2 September 2016

Farewell YFC Ethiopia

So it's almost time to say Goodbye to my new friends/colleagues/family in YFC Ethiopia.

On Tuesday the team celebrated both my time here

 and Desta's graduation as an accountant.

There were many words of affirmation

spoken to us both and gifts given. It was a very special time together and we all recognised God's good gifts to each of us.

 On Wednesday it was my turn to say my goodbyes and give small Aussie gifts to each person. Some weeks ago I baked some Anzacs and they all loved them and so I decided that it would be a popular move to bake some more as part of my gift to the team.

 First of all each of my English students received a Certificate of Participation. They were SO excited.

 and then it was time for gift-giving. I had invited a few people, other than staff, who have been significant to me over my time here as well.

Each person seemed to be pleased

 with the gift and card received

and finally the Australian flag for everyone to share. This included a lesson on the flag, of course.
It's always such a challenge to bring gifts with an Aussie flavour when one has no idea how many on the staff,  whether they are male or female and if there will be 'other people' I will connect with during my stay and want to give a gift to at the end.
I am thankful that God knows ahead of time and there have always been suitable gifts for everyone.

And so I have three more sleeps until I fly back to Australia on Monday afternoon. Not sure if I will blog again or not. Let's wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. So great to see you do the things you were born for in the kingdom :). And what an amazing group of people they are in YFC in Ethiopia - jewels!
