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Monday 22 August 2011

Vacation Bible Camp

For the first time there was a Vacation Bible Camp held at Kigali Christian School over the last two weeks - the first week was for students from Primary 4 & 5 and the second week was for the Primary 1 -3 classes. It was a huge success as far as everyone was concerned. Sue and I had a lot of fun helping out with Art

The main 'workforce' was the students from the YFC School of Leadership & Discipleship. These young people were the group leaders of the children's colour groups and kept the children organised, enthused, together, cared for and loved while they were at camp. (By the way, the children didn't stay overnight, they just came for the mornings, so I'm not exactly sure why it was called a camp! But they loved it anyway!)

Each morning we began at 8 am (it's not really so early for them as they usually have assembly at 7.30am in the school term!)
We started with everyone together in the big hall gathering in groups, singing group chants and having fun - bit of competitive spirit - SUCH a competitive culture! Also singing worship songs, testimonies, remembering Bible memory verses, having races, like egg and spoon and dancing competitions.

At 9 am we moved to group activities - Art, Bible Stories and Games. The children really had a lot of fun and so did the young leaders (the students from the School of Leadeship & Discipleship). And so did we!

I have heaps of pics of the art room as that's where Sue and I spent most of our time.


When the groups finished we all went back to the big hall to enjoy snacks on the lawn before the last half hour of singing and dancing.

It was a well run programme and everyone had a great time and learned lots about Jesus and the Bible.

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