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Friday, 19 August 2011

Wow! What a fantastic day!!

Last Saturday the Rwanda YFC family went for an outing. Not just any old outing. This outing was VERY SPECIAL. There were about 90 of us!! That included students from the School of Leadership and Discipleship, RYFC office staff, teachers from the school, volunteers like us and our housemates.  Our purpose for the day was to bless some people widowed and orphaned by the genocide in 1994. The Rwandan government has built houses for many such people throughout the country. We visited a group of 10 houses, all neatly built in a row (as seems to be the pattern for houses built under this scheme).

 We came laden with gifts for our hosts. A goat for each household had been sent on ahead and the contents of the ute you will see later on.

We met and worked alongside the people who live in this small settlement at Remera Rukoma. Our aim was to build for each household a 'kitchen garden'. First we needed to clear the ground and remove all the stones. Dirty work but look at the great company!!  Who couldn't enjoy that?!

Each was made in the yard of the home and consisted of poles cut from eucalypts nearby,

covered with 'plastic hessian' bags sliced up to fit. Sue is pictured here cutting up bags with the director's wife.

Then banana leaves are stripped off trees and used to tie the hessian to the poles. Then the 'tent' is filled with soil, manure and other natural bits and pieces - but not the easy or quick way!

The first layer was then surrounded by a second made in a similar fashion. Here's my group showing off our finished product. Actually each household will need to add a third layer to complete their kitchen garden. The final requirement is for them to plant their vegetables not only on top of the soil but also down the sides of each layer, giving a large surface area for the garden.

Then it was cleanup time for our team in 'our' back yard, before we went to share food and gifts with our hosts.

We sat under the trees together and enjoyed some food and drinks - the obligatory sodas

and samosas

and then the ute was unloaded. 

Each family received a very large bag of rice (yellow), went halves in a huge bag of beans (white), a box of soap, and a very large container of cooking oil. RYFC asked for contributions of money and clothing towards all of this. Some folks from home had sent us with money to bless some people in Rwanda and so we were able to make a wonderful contribution on their behalf. 

The goats given to their proud new owners. Lots were drawn for the goats - a fun and entertaining way to be fair!

We went home tired and weary once again but we'd had a great day!
It was not only those people who were blessed, but we also. SO MUCH!

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