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Saturday 27 August 2016

Return to Uganda

There were two main reasons for my return to Uganda this year. They were to catch up with the staff I had spent such quality time with last year and to visit the YFC Young Leaders who are sponsored by Australians for tertiary courses.

I stayed with Miriam, the National Director of YFC in Uganda. She's a great host and here she was ready to head off to a wedding of one of the YFC Board members. Beautiful yes?

I caught up with most of the YFC staff, (but didn't get to photograph many of them)

and also with Lynn whom I had spent every Tuesday with last year when she was doing her internship with YFC. She's gone wonderfully crazy with knitting and crochet since I was there. We share a passion for crafting and for Christian fiction and talked about those and many other things. It was good to connect again.

I was able to welcome a new little bundle (hardly recognisable as a baby in this photo (!)

and cuddle and take photos

 before he went home with his mum and grandmother.

It was great to catch up

with the young people

who are sponsored

to do tertiary studies

through the generosity

of Australians.

A huge thank you to each of you from these young people who all recognise that without your assistance they would not be working towards their dreams right now.

There were some lovely invitations to lunch with members of staff and their families

here at Mary's home in a beautiful garden 

and outside in the shade when the house got too hot after lunch at Luke and Nora's home.

At church on Sunday I was the only white person in the congregation and the bishop spotted me from behind as he entered the church. He called me up front to welcome me and ask a few questions - including why Australia has a separate territory for its capital! He then continued to include me a number of times in the 4+ hour service. As the Sunday School children left the church, the leader asked if I would share something with the children. This is Africa and so not unexpected. One must always be prepared to share at a moment's notice. So off I went to speak with them for a little while and pray for them before returning to the church service.

My time in Uganda was special for reconnecting with dear friends and keeping in touch with what's new in their lives and the YFC ministry. It was a time of mutual encouragement and joy.
Ugandans are very frequently saying: "Welcome back". I sure felt that welcome.

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