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Saturday 19 August 2017

A lovely day out

Lidia picked me up in time to go to lunch at her house.
Lidia is Johnny's assistant at YFC in São Luis.

We took photos of each other

while we were eating lunch. Lidia's suggestion. She loves to take photos.

We had a long lunch as we chatted about lots of things and then we had a nap - as is the custom here in Brazil.
I had my nap on her parents' bed while her mum had hers in the hammock - rede in Portuguese (pronounced hedgie) - in Lidia's room.

After our nap and shower, we headed off to the supermarket to buy some things for her mum.

 It wasn't very different from many supermarkets in Australia,

except for some of the things that can be bought there. Lots of these things in the bakery section are quite unlike anything we can buy in Australia - very traditionally Brazilian. Lidia bought some tapioca balls.

The people helping at the checkout were wearing T shirts that said in Portuguese 
"Can I help? It is a pleasure to serve you."
Nice touch.

 When we arrived home Lidia's dad was having his hap in the rede in the living room

and we had some afternoon tea. We ate the tapioca balls from the supermarket, cheese, avocado, some tiny and delicious bread rolls,

 some carrot, orange and honey yogurt,

and pimenta jam. 
Now that was a new experience for me, but I liked it and went back for more!

Lidia's mum joined us at the table for a chat. Lidia was our interpreter.

A bit later Lidia and I looked through some photos from Escola da Vida last week and chatted on her bed for a while. Such a relaxing time together sharing life.

Her mum and dad were relaxing in their redes

and watching the news on TV.
What a comfy option.
Brazilian houses here in the north have rede hooks in the wall at just the right height. A very well defined part of their culture.

Then we all had dinner together before Lidia took me home.
Such a lovely day together with a gorgeous young woman.

Thanks so much, Lidia. You blessed me.